Worship Services at Trinity
Trinity holds worship services every Sunday at 10:15am throughout the year.
Worship Opportunities
Sundays at 10:15 am – Traditional Lutheran liturgy.
- Second Sunday of the month is usually a Contemporary Worship service – more casual with praise music.
- Holy Communion is generally celebrated the first Sunday and third Sunday of each month. All baptized Christians are welcome to participate.
- The first Sunday in September, Trinity does not hold services in its building, but rather we invite everyone to attend the community service at Shafer Park held during Boonesborough Days at the gazebo at 10:00am.
Bible Study/Christian Education
Bible Study for adults and kids is a great opportunity to deepen your understanding of God’s word and discuss among friends to figure out how it is relevant in your day-to-day life.
- Kids/Adults Bible Study each Sunday at 9am in various locations around the church. Classes meet in the education wing, teen room, social hall and lounge.
- Men’s Bible Study meets at 8am on Sundays in the parsonage
No Sunday School for youth during the summer, but it resumes on Rally Day in September.