Trinity Lutheran Church - Boonsboro, MD
Sundays - Bible Study Groups at 9am & Worship at 10:15amNew! Bible Study on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 9:00am!
Trinity Lutheran is a warm community of believers that welcomes everyone and anyone.
We believe that church isn’t just a physical place, it’s a group of people who want and need to be closer to God and to help show his love for all people.
The emphasis is on the WE. It’s not primarily about what Trinity can do for you, but rather what TOGETHER we can do to fulfill God’s call for us all. We rely on Him to help in our day-to-day lives and we come to Trinity to find friendship, renewal and hope.
If you are looking for a church community, we hope you’ll stop in and join us in worship, Bible study, outreach or a social gathering.
Support Trinity and its Programs
General Donations/Offerings help support many efforts at Trinity, including outreach to our community, support to Synodical programs, and ongoing operational expenses.
Trinity News
First Friday – Lasagna Dinner Nov 1st
FIRST FRIDAY is coming up for November. Mark your calendars for a Lasagna Dinner hosted by the Cline family. This particular First Friday will also be a fundraiser for Mar-Lu-Ridge Camp and Retreat Center.
Thanks for a Great Community Picnic for Boonsboro
We had a great time at our Community Picnic for Boonsboro on August 24th. A family picnic with hot dogs and burgers, chips and ice cream, plus a bounce house and games and live music with Ryan Franko.
SCUBA Day Camp Fun – Thanks to all!
Wow… just wow. The week we’ve had! What a terrific group of kids and so much fun packed into every day this week. We packed in Bible lessons, music and dancing, science experiments, crafts, games, pizza, ice cream, mini golf, bounce house, reptile show, magic show and even two field trips to…