Let’s Love Our Neighbors… Together
It’s pretty clear what Jesus meant when he left his disciples with some important instructions: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind’. This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’. Matthew 22:37-39 We’re really here to do two things: Love God and Love our Neighbors.
We invite the entire Boonsboro community to join us in efforts to love and serve. Here are ways you can lend a hand:
Trinity’s Blessings in Motion
Trinity has undertaken an outreach program called Blessings in Motion, which will include a number of efforts to serve our community:

Blessing Box
On the porch of our parsonage (The Funk Education Center) located next door to the church, we have placed a cabinet we call our Blessing Box. Some people in our community need help, but prefer anonymity. Through the Blessing Box, they can get a few essentials to feed their family without having to walk into a food pantry. The members of our church place extra non-perishable items such as cereal, soup, pasta, sauce, juice, peanut butter, canned goods, etc. Sometimes there are hygiene items, formula or diapers too. They are there for those in need – our neighbors who are struggling. We check the box a few times a week to add items.
If you are struggling, please take what you need.
Or, if you can HELP us help those who are struggling, please either DONATE to this ministry specifically or pick up a few items on your next grocery run. If you have items to donate, contact us at hello@trinitylutheranboonsboro.org or call us at 301.432.2226 to arrange.

Blessing Bags
Soon, we will be putting together bags of snacks and little gifts to bring those who are shut-in or lonely for a visit or friend. We know, especially after the pandemic, that there are many people hurting and lonely in our community. This program will attempt to reach them with a small gesture of a bag of blessings and a friendly hello.
If you’d like to be part of this effort, or if you know someone we should include in our outreach, please contact us at hello@trinitylutheranboonsboro.org. We will need both items donated for the bags and volunteers willing to visit and make friends.

Patty’s Picnic
In the summer of 2024, we launched our first Patty’s Picnic at the Schoolhouse Manor assisted housing units here in Boonsboro in memory of Patty Burkett, a member of Trinity who was a resident.
In December, we also caroled with the residents and brought Christmas cookies. We intend to do more in the coming months for this community.

Trinity’s Summer Day Camp
In 2023, Trinity began offering a week of summer camp focused on Fun and Faith to local children. Camp is from 8am to 4pm each day and we offer a boatload of activities to keep kids interested and having fun.
In 2024, we had a Magic Show, Putt Putt Golf course, Reptile Show and two field trips in addition to our regular line-up of Bible learning, science experiments, music, games and more. Trinity subsidizes most of the cost of the event in order to keep the event affordable for local families, especially when many of the kids have siblings attending.
For more information on Day Camp, click here. We also welcome donations – just email us for more information at hello@trinitylutheranboonsboro.org.

Stewardship Fund
Trinity maintains a Stewardship Fund for the assistance of South County residents that need financial assistance during a period of unexpected hardship (i.e. house fire, loss of job, medical emergency, etc.) resulting in a short-term, specific need. We cannot pay ongoing rent or bills. This is for the times when you’re suddenly in a bad spot and need short-term help.
Donate for the Stewardship Fund specifically. Or, if you prefer to contribute by check, send a donation to Trinity and mark “Stewardship Fund” on the memo line. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 64 S. Main St, Boonsboro, MD 21713.

Micah’s Backpack of South Washington County
The Micah’s Backpack that serves the Boonsboro area is located at Trinity Lutheran. The program is run by the South County Food Pantry (also located at Trinity) and benefits from donations and volunteers from several churches and organizations in our area.
The program feeds more than 130 children in need at 7 local schools by sending them home on Fridays with enough food for the weekend. These are children who qualify for the subsidized meal programs at school and who might otherwise go hungry over the weekend. See more info on the program here.
Micah’s Backpack relies on our community for funding and donations of food items that are non-perishable and in individual-size portions. Food such as applesauce, instant oatmeal packs, mac-n-cheese, cereal, milk boxes, juice boxes and canned pastas, fruits and vegetables. Items donated for MB should be in single-serve portions since a large box would be too bulky or heavy for a student to carry home.
Can you donate funds for MB? If so, send a check (tax-deductible) to the South County Food Pantry, P.O. Box 63, Boonsboro, MD 21713. Checks should be made out to “South County Food Pantry.” If donating specifically to Micah’s Backpack, please note that on the memo line.
Or, contact us at hello@trinitylutheranboonsboro.org for information on how to volunteer by helping pack or deliver the food bags.
Stay in the loop with Micah’s activities and needs by following their Facebook page.

Thanksgiving Blessings & Christmas Blessings
For more than a decade, Trinity member Julie Williams personally spearheaded a community effort to make a full Thanksgiving dinner for local families in need. Most families come from Boonsboro and Sharpsburg. From Trinity’s kitchen, TONS of mashed potatoes and roast turkeys are prepped and bagged up with all of the Thanksgiving trimmings so families don’t have to miss out on enjoying their own special day. For Christmas, she gathers bags of groceries for families in need as well.
If you’d like to help, follow Trinity’s Facebook page to see posts calling for volunteers or email Trinity at hello@trinitylutheranboonsboro.org and we’ll connect you with Julie. Around the holidays, she creates a sign-up list for all the food items and gift cards that are needed and the shifts of volunteers needed to peel potatoes and more.

San Mar Elf Program
Member Laura Iager serves each year as the volunteer coordinator for the San Mar Christmas Elf Program. Many of the foster and low-income children in our greater area would not receive presents at Christmas time if it were not for this wonderful program. In 2024, 160 children enrolled in one of 3 core programs with San Mar Family and Community Services received presents.
In November, Laura asks for those willing to be elves and “adopt” a child at Christmas time to buy 5 or more gifts – everything from coats and boots to games and toys. If you’re interested in becoming an elf, please follow Trinity’s Facebook page to see posts calling for elves and/or email us at hello@trinitylutheranboonsboro.org for more information and to be connected with Laura.

HARC Walk and CROP Walk
Trinity Trekkers team participates in these great opportunities to bring awareness to local hunger as well as the Coldest Night of the Year Walk. The South Washington County CROP Walk, affiliated with the national CROP Walk effort, was started in the 1970s. Keep an eye on Trinity’s Facebook page for more information.

Hiker Ministry
For years, Trinity has offered assistance to hikers on the Appalachian Trail. The Trail winds along the top of South Mountain just east of Boonsboro and brings hundreds of hikers through our area each year. Assistance may be in the form of transportation, shelter or medical assistance to those in need.
Hiking the Trail is a daunting undertaking and some find it more challenging than they first thought. Being alone on the Trail can provide it’s own challenges and we’re glad to offer assistance to those in need.