Our Leadership

Pastor:  Rev. Karl Muhlbach
Organist: Marianne Talhelm
Choir Directors: Marianne Talhelm (Traditional), Contemporary (Chip Rockwell)


Matt Iager, President

Matt DeBaugh, Vice President

Theresa Foster, Secretary

Cindy Hutchinson, Treasurer

Committee Liaisons:

Finance: Matt Debaugh
Mutual Ministry: Laura McElroy
Outreach: Kristin Bowl
Stewardship/Charitable Giving: Stacey Smith
Personnel: Theresa Foster
Property: Steve Jamison
Music and Worship: Chip Rockwell
Christian Education: Karen Tribett

Sundays at Trinity

9am - Christian Education for Adults and Kids
10:15am - Worship
1st Sunday of the month Communion offered

What’s Coming Up?

See Trinity's Monthly Calendar

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